23. Alternative Seating
We have seen people sleeping in very strange positions in the airport, but this has to be one of the most unusual. Admittedly, it can be very hard to get comfortable in a sleeping position while waiting for you flight, so this man decided to use his suitcase as a back rest and the seat for holding his lower half.
It might look very uncomfortable, but he looks to be fast asleep, so maybe it isn’t as bad as it looks?!

24. One More
Some jobs at the airport can be rather mundane, but there is much room for making them creative and exciting. This baggage handler decided to do exactly that and channel his inner Tetris maestro to create the most incredibly luggage tower in airport history.
While we wish that was the honest truth, the reality is that these are art sculptures placed in an airport and molded together carefully. It’s still pretty cool and leaves you thinking how it was made.