25. Good To Keep In Mind
There are some signs that you see in airports around the world, but this one is very rare. The sign can be found at St. Maarten’s Princess Juliana Airport in the Caribbean, and is genuine in warning travelers to stay away from the runway, which is situated much too close to the parking lot.
Not only is this a huge safety hazard, but this also gives the Caribbean a bad reputation for their airport safety.

26. K-911
You may not have thought twice about it, but many airports are at risk of wild animals running across the runway which would cause a huge safety incident. Plenty of airports have overcome this issue by creating traps to shoo the animals away from the danger that is all around them, but Cherry Capital Airport in Michigan went for a different method.
They decided to hire a Border Collie named Piper who runs around the airport perimeter, chasing animals away and keeping all passengers and airlines safe.