33. Is This The Cockpit?
This just does not seem like a practical place for the pilot to sit. Of all people, she should know the dangers of getting to0 close to the door, whether it’s on or off. However, there is a story behind this one as the pilot is Swedish Maria Pettersson, who often combines her love of flying and yoga.
The pilot often posts pictures of herself doing yoga around the aircraft, which has garnered plenty of attention on Instagram.

34. Powerful Beach Breeze
If you haven’t heard of it already, you have now. Maho Beach on Saint Martin in the Caribbean is not only famous for it’s turquoise blue waters and beautiful beaches, but it is most commonly known for its terrifying runway.
One of the beaches on the island is death-defyingly close to the runway, leading planes to drop down extremely close to beach revelers. It can be very unsafe and people often find themselves ducking down, but not before they take a selfie.