
15+ Moments at Airports That Caused Such a Stir — People Couldn’t Help But Stare


3. What A Welcome

Of course some welcome home signs can be incredibly awkward, while others are sweet and thoughtful. This husband wanted to welcome home his wife in the best way possible, so not only was he sweet, he paid her a huge compliment that probably resulted in quite a few blushes.


Picking her up dressed as a limo driver and writing “Smokin Hot Italian Chick,” earned him quite a few looks, but it was certainly worth it. He probably got big brownie points.


4. Mom Off Duty

By the look of this young one’s face, Dad couldn’t have gotten home at a better time. This humorous sign is one of our favorites, it’s sweet and lighthearted while managing to pick fun at Dad (and Mom). We’re wondering how long Dad was away for Mom to have quit two weeks prior! Such a sweet gesture, we’re sad we didn’t get to see Dad’s reaction to their “Welcome Back” sign.

We hope Mom managed to gain her strength back, but if not, Dad’s back!

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