
15+ Moments at Airports That Caused Such a Stir — People Couldn’t Help But Stare


41. Rolly Davidson

When your taxi cancels your trip to the airport, everything becomes a panic and you just don’t want to miss your flight. These guys decided to come up with another option when they couldn’t get an Uber, and used a motorbike to transport the traveler and his luggage to the airport. This hilarious idea seems genius in planning but is disastrous in practice.


There’s no way that bag made it to the airport in one piece and they probably had to hail a rescue taxi on the highway.


42. Red Light, Green Light

We’re not even sure how this runway was given the green light to be built because is absolutely lethal. The runway is situated in Gibralter international airport and cars are forced to stop at the light while planes are given the go ahead for a safe landing.

When the barriers are not down, cars are free to pass through and it incredibly dangerous for everyone in the case a plane needs to do an emergency landing, they have to wait for a free road.

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