
30+ Common Hygiene Habits That Are Actually Not Good for Us

15. Put Down the Q-Tips

If you’re like most people, when you start to notice that your ears are getting a little waxy, you might reach for the cotton swabs in your bathroom cabinet.


If you read the package, though, these are not designed to go into your ear. Using them can not only hurt your ears but pack wax in rather than clean it out. It’s better to keep these tools for keeping the outer part of your ear clean, not the canal.


16. Switch Out Your Razor

We all know the pain of trying to shave part of your body with a dull razor, whether you’re tackling leg hair or trimming your beard, they tend to pull and tug rather than cleanly cut. You might want to replace your razor before the blade dulls, though.

After all, every time you use your razor, it collects hair and skin cells you can’t completely wash out. Whether you use a single-blade razor or a disposable one, you’ll want to replace it when it starts to get grungy — not just when it stops working as well.

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