
30+ Common Hygiene Habits That Are Actually Not Good for Us

19. The Laundry Machine Too

When you do your laundry, your laundry machine does a lot of work to get your clothes clean. If you introduce something messy to the washer, that mess has to go somewhere right?

This is why you won’t want to skip out on cleaning your laundry machine too. The good news is that it isn’t as daunting of a task as it sounds. They make washing machine cleaner now that you can throw in like detergent and use a cycle to get your machine clean.

20. Don’t Forget Your Remote

Speaking of things that you touch often but might not be clean enough, think about when you plop down on the couch in front of the TV at the end of the day. Like many, you might start your relaxation by grabbing the remote control.

That also means that your remote control can build up bacteria quickly. When you’re going through your monthly chores, take a disinfectant wipe to the remote. It’s best to hit it again if someone in your house has been dealing with contagious illnesses.

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