
30+ Common Hygiene Habits That Are Actually Not Good for Us

33. Use a Pet Cleaner

If you have pets, odds are you have a nasty mess to clean up from time to time whether it’s an accident in training or your pup just wasn’t feeling great one night.

If you clean the mess up on the surface, you might not get it all. Even worse, this can make your pets more prone to accidents in that area in many cases. The best thing to do is to pick up a pet cleaner made to tackle this problem.

34. Careful Mopping Wooden Floors

There are some things that you do in your home that aren’t necessarily unsanitary or not hygienic. On the other hand, these practices just aren’t best for the surface you’re cleaning.

When you’re mopping, you’ll want to greatly cut back on the amount of moisture in your mop. If possible, skip the mop entirely and rely on a vacuum or cleaner made for wood floors. After all, excessive moisture will cause damage to your wooden floor.

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