
30+ Common Hygiene Habits That Are Actually Not Good for Us

17. Where to Keep Your Toothbrush

Where you keep your toothbrush makes a difference, too. As you might have heard, you probably don’t want to keep your toothbrush close to the toilet.


This is because when you flush the toilet, you really don’t want to get those particles on your toothbrush as they go airborne. However, a cap on your toothbrush does create a dark, damp environment where bacteria can thrive. Closing your toilet when you flush can help a lot here.


18. On Mouthwash

Mouthwash is great at killing bacteria. However, it kills all bacteria, so you don’t want to overuse mouthwash and kill all the good bacteria you need in your mouth too.

Does this mean you should throw out the bottle of mouthwash sitting by your sink? No! All you need to do is to use it twice a day in most cases. If you’re directed differently by your dentist or you’re caring for a wound like an oral piercing, you may need to use it more than twice a day for a short period of time.

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