19. Elisa Lam Seemed to Know Death Was Just Around the Corner
In 2013, Elisa Lam, a college student, went missing. She was last seen, as seen in this video, taking the elevator at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles. The video shows her talking to herself and it seems she was trying to hide from someone. The worried look on her face insinuates that she knew she was in trouble.
Her body was eventually found in a water tank at the top of the Cecil Hotel. To this day, her case remains unsolved.

20. The Brazilian Flying Priest
In 2008, Adelir Antônio de Carli, a Brazilian priest, flew to his death in an attempt to break a world record. His mission was to fly in the sky with 600 balloons for over 19 hours. He trained for the event but he forgot to learn how to use the GPS on his mobile phone.
That vital error is what ultimately brought him to his early death. Unable to use the GPS from his mobile to alert people of his location, the priest disappeared into thin air. Months later, parts of his body were found washed ashore.