25. To Stare Death in the Face
This is the image of a prisoner before being electrocuted to death at Sing Sing, New York. The electric chair was first developed in 1887 in New York as a more “humane” alternative to the hangman’s noose.
It seems this was normal practice to secure a dead man walking in a wheelchair and take the last photograph for the record, before wheeling him into the room where he gets electrocuted to death. The electric chair was gruesomely referred to as “Old Sparky” and 614 people died in its arms in Sing Sing prison.

26. Inside the Plane Minutes Before the Crash
In 1985, tragedy struck when a Boeing 747 flying from Tokyo to Osaka crashed into Mount Takamagahara. All 15 crew members and 505 passengers died in the crash. Only four passengers managed to survive the crash.
The plane had a sudden explosive decompression because of a faulty repair. The image depicts the last minutes before crashing. It seems people stayed calm as they prepared for the worse. Fate was not with them that day, and it was the worst single-aircraft accident ever recorded.