47. The Greatest Loss of Firefighters Since September 11th
The Granite Mountain Hotshots were a special force of the Prescott, Arizona fire department. They were experts at exterminating wildfires. As per normal practice, the crew went off to exterminate a massive wildfire in Yarnell Hill.
The fire was started by lightning and quickly spread out of control. In spite of all efforts from these brave men, the fire won over them, killing 19 of the 20 men sent out to fight it. It was the greatest loss of firefighters since September 11th.

48. Bad Traffic Saves South Korean President Chun Doo-hwan
The Rangoon bombing of 9 October 1983, was an assassination attempt against Chun Doo-hwan, the fifth president of South Korea. The attempt was orchestrated by North Korea. 21 people died and 46 were injured, but President Chun, who was the intended target, was saved by the heavy traffic that day.
President Chun was meant to attend a memorial event in Rangoon, Burma that day. Fortunately for him, his car got stuck in heavy traffic and he could not make it to the event on time. The bomb went off before President Chun arrived at the scene. His life was spared by fate.