
Moments Captured on Film Right Before Tragedy

7. Minutes Before Jumping to Her Death

A couple of tourists asked for their picture to be taken with Niagara Falls as the backdrop. Little did they know that the Japanese student lurking in the background was contemplating her suicide. Imagine, innocently getting your picture taken and recording the last image of an unknown person, minutes before she jumps to her death.


In this image, Ayano Tokumasu is seen in a red coat overlooking Niagara Falls, moments before she straddled the railings and took her own life by jumping into the falls.


8. Pavel Kashin’s Last Flip

Pavel Kashin was a Russian free-runner famous for his death-defying feats and superb agility. In 2013, he was performing a stunt on the edge of a 16-story building in St. Petersburg and fell to his death.

He was attempting a backflip off the edge of the building when he lost balance and free-fell 16 stories to the ground. Pavel did not survive the brutal fall. His friend caught him attempting his last flip. Ultimately, Pavel died doing what he loved best. 

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